International collaborations and activities play an important role in the MRC’s vision. They form ties abroad, enhance the MRC’s diversity, provide our students with opportunities to explore science and culture in foreign countries and introduce a route of disseminating the MRC research globally. On the one hand, the Center seeks to improve U.S. research capabilities through international cooperation; on the other it is our goal to enhance materials research, education, and outreach activities around the globe. Currently, international collaborations at the IRG and Seed levels span 4 continents and 30+ academic institutions, industry and national laboratories. For details, please contact Professor Tamar Seideman, Director, International Outreach Activities.


Northwestern University – Tel Aviv University University Fellowship This new initiative will bring together scientists and engineers – graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and their faculty research advisors – from Tel-Aviv University (TAU) with their peers at Northwestern University (NU: Weinberg School of Arts and Sciences and McCormick School of Engineering) for research in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. The goal is to facilitate a robust synergy and cross-fertilization of ideas among researchers at Northwestern University and Tel Aviv University, with a view toward long term collaborations. The start date of the research visit should be between January 1 and September 1, 2022, with the end date determined by the duration of the research stay. Learn more.

Visiting Scholarships at the Tel-Aviv University and the Weizmann Institute of Science
The Northwestern University Materials Research Center, jointly  with the International Institute for Nanotechnology, the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and the Nanoscience Centers at our partner institutions, support an exchange program for faculty, postdoctoral associates, and graduate students. Call for proposals. Learn more.

Brain Korea 21 (BK21)
This research-oriented education program partners with Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, involves an annual exchange of researchers in the area of nanotechnology. In Phase 3 of this program, the focus will be on materials research in the area of sustainability. Participating Center faculty will be part of an exchange programs for both U.S. and Korean graduate students through research and educational outreach activities.