The Northwestern University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (NU-MRSEC) advances world-class materials research, education, and outreach via active interdisciplinary collaborations within the Center and with external partners in academia, industry, national laboratories, and museums, both domestically and abroad. The intellectual merit of the NU-MRSEC resides primarily within its interdisciplinary research groups (IRGs) and seed-funded projects that promote dynamic evolution of Center research foci. IRG-1 entitled “Reconfigurable Responses in Mixed-Dimensional Heterojunctions” explores nanoelectronic materials systems that simultaneously process and store information to provide functionality exhibited by more complex biological systems such as neural networks. IRG-2 entitled “Functional Heteroanionic Materials via the Science of Synthesis” brings together experts in bulk crystal and thin-film synthesis, computational design of materials, and advanced characterization to expand a relatively unexplored class of materials with unconventional combinations of properties such as high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity. Learn More.
IRG 1: Reconfigurable Responses in Mixed-Dimensional Heterojunctions
IRG 2: Functional Heteroanionic Materials via the Science of Synthesis
Broader Impact
The Center seeks to expand interest in science and engineering by implementing innovative outreach infrastructure and programs designed to inform the public about current research trends and inspire talented and diverse students as future scientists. Learn More.
The Center provides the physical and intellectual infrastructure to nucleate collaborative opportunities in materials research both on and off the Northwestern campus, in addition to transitioning its diverse research portfolio into new commercial opportunities. Learn More.
International collaboration enhances the research goals of the Center and helps train visionary and globally competitive U.S. materials researchers with direct experience with international R&D infrastructures and practices. Learn More.
The Center maintains an extensive set of diverse shared facilities that provide faculty, students, and industrial partners with access to state-of-the-art equipment and hands-on training from expert technicians. Learn More.
Recent News
Recent Work

Research Experience for Undergraduates Plus (REU+)
The new program enables select REU participants from small colleges to follow their summer experience with an academic quarter at

Northwestern University Atom Probe at the Field Museum Chicago
In collaboration with the Field Museum Chicago, an atom probe once used at Northwestern University is currently on display at

Joint Undertaking for an African Materials Institute (JUAMI)
The NU-MRSEC has supported JUAMI, which is largely aimed at fostering connections in the US and those in Eastern Africa.

NSF-MRSEC Booth at the International Materials Research Congress
The NSF-MRSEC booth was featured at the XXVII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) in Cancun, Mexico on August 19-24, 2018